Thursday, March 4, 2021

Day 3 of Shooting: Filming into the week and filming someone else

 Now doing shooting within the week, it takes longer from my energy as well as trying to get motivation to complete the shots that I need to finish. Though I still need to finish one more important scene it is entiraerty and 2 shots for the final scene. I am getting more anxious to complete all of the shots that I need, but I do not have had no energy and time to finish the shots, mutliple things in school as well as in my personal life going on at the same time. I should have made a second schedule with one expecting for me recordign longer than expected, because just waiting for the inspiration to come for me and going without having a concrete plan has really made my schedule drag out longer than I would have wanted. However, things are already in motion and the week is ending, I would only have the deadline for myself that I will finish the entire recording and raw footage getting. If anything in editting looks wrong, then I will proably reshoot or add anything for it to make sense. 

Now, thankfully, the first day of the week, Monday, my Dad did not have to go to work and was able to stay home. My Dad's schedule is very unpredictable, the reason why it is hard to try to plan something to do together in genral and that the only day that is almost certain thet he would have time in is the weekend. Now, since I already had the momentum going from the previous shooting days and the notion of having to film my Dad's scenes, I went with that plan in mind. After picking me from school, I fgured that we were already in his car, so we could record the scene in the car that I needed, which was also short. I wanted to make him look concerned and try to direct him on what to do, as well as telling him what the story is about and what I am trying to say with it. I believe he undestnad me and alsor ecoomended me to add some diologue on his own, what would someone said in that conversation and how they will respond, which I did not particulary anaylzed before because I am usually the only one that is revising my scipt, it is better to have a second perspective, specially one from a person who is also a parent that gets concerned about his children when they do not answer to them. My Dad's first language is not English, still struggles sometimes with communicating in that language, but I think is not as noticable in the clip, except for the acccent, which I do not mind and actually adds more depth to the character as a whole and the different nuance characteristics that it has outsid ethe storry, how much it has to tell outside of the story it has choose to tell. I do admit it was easier to film someone else instead of myself, actually seing how the caemra looks as it is recording, not when I finished. The day was sunny, which heloed a lot with lighting outside and seeing the environment as a whole, which also heps with the video quiality of the recording overall, not having to adjust brightness. 

For this over the shoulder shot, I just had to move myself to the back. to capture the image from behind and the movment as he goes out to drive. Not difficult, again, since I could see how the camera was looking as I was recording. However, I did notice in the mirror in the car, that you could see a corner of my head and a finger, which I am not supposed to be in the shot, he needs to be seen as he is alone in the car as he drives away. i did not want to bother my Dad any more by having him return and do the whole scne again, he is tired from work, has other responsabilities to attend to and does not get many time to rest. My final decision on how to approach this scene is to cut down wher emy finger starts to show, the most telling sing of someone else being in the car, and try to get my head out of the shot. 

Due to the same reasons discussed above, I only completed this scene this recording day, to allow my Dad to have some rst and time to explain to him how I want the scene to appear. I learne dto checked how me, as the camera person, try not get caought in the shot, as well as continuing using the selfie stick to stabilize my hand movements. Overall, though not the one with the most shots filmed in one day, it wa san insightfuls scene to complete and take a brake from the continous shooting for the following days.

1 comment:

  1. Candidate understands the importance of time management. Understands that having time to organize yourself while thinking ahead saves time and creates less problems. Post shows progress made in filming, and shows how characters and shots add more emotion to the product. The meaning of cuts and presentation is shown in this post along with many others. I believe that the candidate did a great job expressing themselves, and I am engrossed as continue to read on.
