Friday, March 5, 2021

Day 4 of Shooting: Finalizing scenes that included my Dad and the montage

I would like to say that this is the official last day of shooting, But I would essentially be being very positive about the real outcomes from my raw footage. While looking through it, I noticed many inconsistencies in terms of plot, me wearing things like glasses in one scene and then inexplicably not having them, or vice versa. Many of this continuum errors can be seen, and since I am mostly very detailed about most of the work that I do and notice most of many insignificant details about things that other will not care to notice. Because of this, I have decided to reshot certain scenes in this coming weekend, especially those that are in the beginning and that I think have a very shaky hand movement where I do not intend to. Also, some other scenes seem to not have connectors to the main story, I want my story to make sense with elements inside the film that also tied up with my main story, making sense for everyone and not only me. Another aspect that I have seen could contribute to this would be to add some monologues from Mariposa, explain more her motivations and doubts before the mental downs, more clearly. I will prefer to present it to do it in a more subtle way, but the lack of time and the story beats to get to leave me with limited options of explaining these types of story. 

I filmed many scenes with my Dad, like it says on the title, finishing the entirety of all shots needed for my short film and the scenes containing him. Unfortunately, I notice some of the shots to not be complete useable and having my Dad not act as professionally or concerned for the scene as I wanted, that is why I ask if we could reshoot some of those scenes tomorrow. Though many are able to be used, some of more specific ones, such as my tilting up to him and tilting down to me, and others where the audio from the TV or my sister could be heard. Thankfully, he is open to help me and has said yes to reshooting, which I am very glad, having to get a new person to act as my Dad would be very difficult, from the logistic of instead refiling all of those scenes and having to get someone who can reliably play as my Dad, someone like my sister could not do it. For that, I will saw I completed the first run of shooting all of my scenes, the next set of reshooting after examining the images will begin this weekend to have all scenes in perfect condition for editing. 

Now, some of the scenes that I am very grateful to have finished is my montage, which I am seen recording my meal, almost putting the food in my mouth and "throwing it" away (I do not throw the food that I film away in its entirety, I actually finish my meal and then pretend to throw it away, the only thing being thrown away are crumbs that I have left). I could have completed this scene the same day that I filmed with my Dad, I have not done so because I was having dinner with him, something that we do not have as much as we would want to, having different eating schedules and him usually getting late from work and eating later than me or doing something else, so I wanted to prioritize that time with my Dad and felt weird so ask to record my food. Then, I could not do it for my lunches because I am usually not at my house during the week, going to school regularly, that being an inexplicable change of location as well as, again, feeling awkward of recording my food and then "pretending" to fall down as I am throwing some crumbs away. I hope that the increasing shakiness and nervousness seen through my "Acting" can be seen and picked up by the audience



 I am happy to have finished the recording as it is, but I still have some aspects that I will take with me as I am editing. I already discussed some of my raw footage that I saw as unsuasible, but some of my scenes, for example Mariposa's phone call, require for me to record my Dad's voice and then pass it through an audio editing software to include it as background noise, same with Mariposa's voices as she is having a difficult moment. Together with the recording, I hope to take time to just recording my Dad reading the lines that I have for that phone call as well as the voices and other original sounds. 

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