Thursday, February 11, 2021

Re-reading my script and seeing overall shots for it

 After seeing the recommendation made on a video, what will make me less stressed with myself and organized overall. The first step in my process will be to re-read parts of my script, i suppose the best way to divide it would be in the in the individual scenes, who is part of it and the location. This is more of a rough draft of what a shot list would be like, but i still want to search for more terminology for the shots and general things for the mise-en-scene. This plan would also help to sketch the storyboard, since i would know how to in different chunks of scenes instead of the continuous flow of the story that would be and not get stuck. 

Scene 1: This scene is the opening scene of the whole film. It happens in the the inside of the house, with only Mariposa as the character and a phone as a prop. This would be the master shot and have it at a regular eye-level angle, since it just brings into the regular habitat the the character would be, I would try to change it later scenes. I could try to have the audio from the phone come after editing and save the time that would be used with the Dad actor (possibly my Dad), since the amount that i would have with my actress will be very short since i would have to schedule for them to come to my house and follow COVID-19 guidelines, while with my Dad i can try to schedule during the week and when we both have time. 

Scene 2: In this scene that it would be the most difficult to record and plan around, since there are many variants that would be cross over and considering what it would happen. First, i have to consider the grocery store to use, since i do not know if they would let me record for a time. Second, is the other people that would be in the grocery store, since i cannot ban others from incoming and crossing through me in the aisles. Either way, in the scene, but there would be the protagonist and the different existing props in the store, as well as any other extras crossing through, having a more natural and unique feeling. The shots would be done with many low angles from the shopping carts, as well as close-ups. 

Scene 3 (Montage):In this scene, this would be a very important part of the film. Would probably try to film it all on the same day and first, to get it out of the way. There would very different pace as well as how the different scenes would be, but they are all done in the same location, helpful for how transportation would be and only concentrate in the takes. There would be a lot of insert shots of the plates of foods, having close up to the faces and a wide shots of how the house looks as Mariposa deteriorates. Try to use food props and not waste real food, just the illusion of it. 

Scene 4: Thankfully, this scene is very short, since I have read and heard about how it would be very difficult to record from a car, since it is a closed space and having the actor not feel pressured by having the camera so close. It has one line of dialogue, but i still want to perform a medium shot to demonstrate the Dad's feeling, an maybe a take of the car form the outside driving away or from inside. 

Scene 5: A faced paced scene, will use hand held movement to show that stability and fear of being discovered. Many changing angles as well, the roles of authority and vulnerably. The scene with the most characters at the same time, Mariposa and the Dad, trying to schedule to do it when both are available. There would still be the use of the food but without wasting any, as well as how the direct dialogue and how the cuts would transition in between dialogue. 
Scene 6: The last scene, a more transition between the last one, could be recorded at the end of the previous one. A stable camera movement and close ups to Mariposa's face and the hand as she takes the bite. Props for PB, easy to find in my house. The cut of showing how the ending is only the beginning for recovery, but a small gesture for some is a stepping stone for getting better. 

This divide has helped me organize my ideas and see how my shot lists and storyboards would go along. I will take some pictures as reference for my future storyboards. With this, examining my locations and actor's time available, the very rough plan for shooting, at first glance, would be shooting all the scenes that i can with the Dad alone and audio needed, finishing Mariposa's scenes when the actress is a available and then finishing with Scene 5 and 6. 

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