Friday, February 19, 2021

Whole revised storyboard and shot list

 After hours of cramming and trying to decide which are more important. Here I have my whole revised storyboard. I actually did enjoy completing it, since i have having my different ideas into paper something that i barely rarely do. Nevertheless, it was tiring and i am actually not felling my best, but i can still be able to complete my work and do what i want for this project thatt has become, really, a passion. 

Jumping from scene 2, can be found in the two previous post, now there is the montage drawn out:

Then, followed by the scene in the car, we have the encounter of both Mariposa and her Dad. 

Scene 6, as the last scene, having many callbacks from before:
By having all of this, together with my shot s=list and screenplay, feel prepared enough to start shooting. I still need to sort out my shot list with the order of hooting, since i think about filming parts of scenes when i can, try to make sure to utilize as much time possible productively and not just the bulk filmed during a single weekend. For that, i need to confirm with my actors and if they will accept the schedule that i have planned, as well as showing them all of this and see what they think. Will take this weekend to think about it and come back fully prepared on Monday. 

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